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How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

When crooked and overcrowded teeth diminish smile confidence and self esteem, orthodontic treatments can be used to realign teeth and create a perfect smile. Metal braces were once the standard treatment to address orthodontic concerns, but patients now have more options for correcting their smile.

Invisalign uses clear aligners (or retainers) that gradually move teeth into the correct position. Clear aligners like Invisalign are less noticeable and are an ideal choice for patients who don’t like the look of standard braces. However, for many patients, the cost of orthodontia can be a barrier to treatment. How much does Invisalign cost?

How much is Invisalign at Masterpiece Smiles?

Invisalign treatment offers many advantages when compared to standard metal braces for treating misaligned teeth, and patients might find that the best advantage of this treatment is that it is a much more affordable option.

However, every patient’s case is unique. Some patients have minimal alignment issues while others have more complicated bites that require lengthier treatments. This means that the cost of Invisalign treatment for each patient might be a bit different. The Masterpiece Smiles team helps patients understand the cost of their treatment and will discuss payment options. For some patients, dental insurance will cover part but rarely all of Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign vs. Braces

Patients might wonder how Invisalign differs from standard metal braces; beyond the price, how do these two treatments compare?

Invisalign and metal (or ceramic) braces are very different types of orthodontic treatments. Braces require orthodontists to tighten the wires on the brackets to increase the pressure on teeth and move them into correct alignment. Invisalign uses a series of plastic aligners that are placed on the upper and or lower teeth; the mold design of each aligner changes to gradually move teeth into the proper position. Some individuals need more aligners to realign their teeth, while other patients only require a few different aligners.

The brackets for braces are affixed to the teeth using glue and the metal wires are secured into the brackets using rubber bands. Patients cannot remove their braces; the metal components of this type of treatment also can make dental care more complicated and cause irritation to the lips, cheeks and mouth when the metal rubs the tender tissue. Invisalign retainers can be removed when eating, and the plastic composition of the aligners also improves comfort during treatment.

How Do Invisalign and Clear Aligners Work?

At Masterpiece Smiles, Invisalign treatment begins with a consultation. The doctors and team at Masterpiece Smiles assess each patient’s orthodontic needs to create a unique Invisalign treatment plan. Scans showcase the patient’s teeth and jaw in 3D imagery, and, based on these pictures, the doctors design a customized series of clear aligners.

Patients need to schedule regular visits with their doctor during Invisalign treatment. These appointments help doctors determine when an aligner needs to be replaced to better facilitate alignment and proper positioning of teeth.

The doctors at Masterpiece Smiles will explain how long aligners need to be positioned in the mouth to ensure that the treatment is a success. While Invisalign aligners can be removed when eating, aligners should not be removed for an extended period of time.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

Patients often can’t wait to see their perfectly straight smile after Invisalign treatment. How long does Invisalign take to straighten teeth? The duration of treatment varies and is unique to every patient. The doctors at Masterpiece Smiles will explain to each patient the expected length of their Invisalign treatment.

Patients should understand, however, that their commitment to keeping the aligners in place also can influence the duration of their Invisalign treatment. If patients remove their aligners and forget to place them back into position, this will impact the success of treatment and perhaps lengthen the treatment process, too.

How Can I Find Invisalign Near Me?

For patients who are interested in correcting their smile, Invisalign treatments could be an affordable (and convenient) option. Contact the team at Masterpiece Smiles to schedule a consultation and learn more about the Invisalign process.


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