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Periodontal Care

St. Louis Magazine - Top Dentist Award

Periodontal care is dental care that focuses on the health of gum tissue. Poor dental habits can result in early gum disease called Gingivitis; this condition is associated with bleeding gums or gums that look red and inflamed. Gingivitis can progress into periodontal disease, and this can lead to gum recession, tooth mobility and even tooth loss.

Take care of the gums. Floss daily and beware of aggressive brushing. Opt for a soft bristled toothbrush or use an electric toothbrush. Brushing too hard can damage the gum line.

Comprehensive oral exams help the care team at Masterpiece Smiles monitor gum health and assess for signs of gum disease.

Exams include a depth measurement of the gum pockets; this assessment uses a tiny metal probe that is placed beneath the gum line. It’s a painless procedure, but it can help dental hygienists and the doctors diagnose early-stage gum disease and monitor current periodontal disease, too.

A periodontal disease diagnosis doesn’t mean that a patient is doomed to lose their teeth. Additional cleaning and care can help ensure that the disease doesn’t progress. Dr. Frith will explain treatment plans and the importance of at-home care with patients.

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