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Clear Aligner Expansion

Top Dentist Award - Masterpiece Smiles

Clear aligner expansion technique can use Invisalign or other clear aligner systems to help expand the jaw width and length, often giving the tongue more room and improving sleep and the airway. This method often is able to straighten and uncrowd teeth without shaving teeth down to make them more narrow (often refered to as IPR - Inter-Proximal Reduction). While the primary purpose of this orthodontic treatment is to straighten teeth, it also can be used to expand the jaw and help improve conditions like sleep apnea and TMJ.

As the jaw is expanded, the tongue has more room for movement. This freedom of movement can help remediate sleep issues like snoring and sleep apnea. In addition, cramped tongue space also can exacerbate TMJ and the pain associated with this condition. Dr. Frith can help patients understand if they are an ideal candidate for this treatment.

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