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Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

Top Dentist Award - Masterpiece Smiles

Porcelain inlays and porcelain onlays are a unique restorative option for patients whose teeth were badly damaged by dental caries. Inlays and onlays are not the same as porcelain veneers, which are used to create a straighter or more cohesive smile.

Inlays cover the inner cavity of a tooth that has been damaged by decay or dental caries.

Porcelain onlays protect and restore more extensive damage; these restorations cover the inner cavity as well as the side of the tooth. Both inlays and overlays are customized for each patient to match their unique tooth structure and shape. Dr. Frith may place a temporary filling before applying the inlay or onlay at a separate appointment. This temporary restoration will be removed and the permanent inlay or onlay is applied.

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